You can now check in for the Alumni Meeting 2023!

What does it mean?

To avoid any doubt, we ask you to review, sign and send us a signed version of the liability waiver document.

It is required for all participants

This document states that participants are responsible for (the consequences) of their own behaviour, as with other ESTIEM events. This event is organised through SIAII – the foundation behind the Eindhoven Local Group. Filling in this waiver is required.

What should I do to be all set for the AM2023?

  1. Open and review the Waiver pdf document
  1. If ok, electronically sign the document and save it
  2. E-mail the signed waiver document as attachment to
  3. Have a super fast check in at the hotel

How does electronic signing work?

  • Use a pdf reader like Acrobat and select the sign option via the menu or the sign icon
  • Select the sign option (example for Acrobat below)
  • Fill in your name
  • Sign the document using the sign options
  • Save the documents on your drive

What if it does not work?

No problem. Either:

  • print it, sign it physically and scan and save it
  • sign it at the hotel